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Showing posts with label T. Show all posts

Tuomr, Cancer (malignant) Neoplasm

Harmful antonymous, new growth of tissue. Forming an abnormal mass which performs no physiological function in the body e.g. cancer.
Golden Hypha 4*2 daliy

Kedi Healthcare Products

Tuberculosis (T.B.Bacillus)

An infectious disease (caused by the tubercle it most commonly affects the respiratory system and other parts of the body such as a the gastro-intestinal and genitor-urinary tracts, bones joints, nervous system, lymph nodes. Skin may become affected.)  
Cordy Active 4*2 daliy
Reishi 3*2 daliy

Kedi Healthcare Products


The inflammation of one or both (pair) of lymphoid tissue one on each side of the mouth, characterized by difficulty in swallowing saliva or other liquids. 
Reishi 3*2 daliy

Kedi Healthcare Products

Tetanus (Lockjaw)

An infectious, acute disease due to toxin (of clostridium tetani in which there is a state of more or less persistent, painful tonic spasm (contraction) of some of the volunta muscle.) this may begin gradually or may be sudden may be brief or may last some weeks. The first sign is stiffness of jaws and esophageal muscles and some of the face contract (producing a wild, excited expression, a compound of bitter laughter and crying. 
Reishi 3*2 daliy

Kedi Healthcare Products