A74DBC69FD125516D287D60EDF25096F Kedi Healthcare Products Recommendation and Prescription: Application of Kedi Growbett NPK 20:20:20+TE Organic Fertilizer

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Application of Kedi Growbett NPK 20:20:20+TE Organic Fertilizer


Soil Application Rate

50 - 120g/10m2 Foliar Application 

70-100g/100L Frequency: 7-10 Days


  • Mix 1g with 1 liter of water
  • Mix 5g with 5 liters of water
  • Mix 20g with 20 liters of water
  • Mix 100g with 100 liters of water
  • Mix 200g with 200 liters of water

These measurements allow for up to 10% more water if needed.


  • Dissolve faster by using warm water.  
  • Avoid spraying on foliage under strong sunlight.  
  • Reseal the bag tightly after opening.  
  • Minor caking does not impact its effectiveness.


The Full Growth Period is the complete lifecycle phase in which a plant undergoes its main stages of growth, from seedling to maturity. During this period, the plant experiences rapid development in various parts, including roots, stems, leaves, and reproductive structures (flowers and fruit). This phase involves maximum nutrient uptake and energy expenditure as the plant prepares to bear fruit or seeds. Plants in this category includes: Vegetable and Vegetable Fruiting Plants

The Full Growth Period is the complete lifecycle phase in which a plant undergoes its main stages of growth, from seedling to maturity. During this period, the plant experiences rapid development in various parts, including roots, stems, leaves, and reproductive structures (flowers and fruit). This phase involves maximum nutrient uptake and energy expenditure as the plant prepares to bear fruit or seeds.